Stay up-to-date on the latest news, events and announcements from the Center for Health Innovation.
The latest news from the Center for Health Innovation:
Two new staff join CHI Finance Department

Thursday, November 5, 2020; Silver City, NM: The Center for Health Innovation (CHI) is pleased to welcome two new staff dedicated to bolster the organization’s finance and administration effectiveness. The staff additions include new administrative assistant Arlene Salazar and returning staff Erika Burke as human resources and payroll specialist. “We are thrilled to have these […]
Drug Take-Back Day collects more than 700 pounds of medication in Doña Ana County
Saturday, October 31, 2020; Las Cruces, NM – Doña Ana County residents safely disposed of 753 pounds of medications at the Drug Enforcement Agency’s National Drug Take-Back Day held the last Saturday of October. Due to the uncertainty brought on by the pandemic this year, DEA and local law enforcement hosted DEA National Drug Take-Back […]
Area Health Education Center welcomes new staff
Wednesday, October 26, 2020; Las Cruces, NM: New Mexico’s Southern Health Education Center (SoAHEC) is pleased to welcome MariaAnna Molina to their team which brings health continuing education and training opportunities to health professionals in 13 counties throughout the southern half of the state. “We are so eager to have her on board. MariaAnna has […]
CHI welcomes two new board members

Wednesday, Oct 21, 2020; Silver City, NM: The Center for Health Innovation (CHI) pleased to welcome two new board members who are familiar faces to the organization which serves as New Mexico’s Public Health Institute. After years of serving on committees to shape CHI’s programs, community health leaders John E. Kutinac, MPH, MBA, and Joaquin […]
Saturday is Drug Take Back day in Doña Ana County

Tuesday, October 20, 2020; Las Cruces, NM: On Saturday, (October 24, 2020) from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., local police departments and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will give the public its 19th opportunity in nine years to clean out their medicine cabinets to prevent medication misuse and theft by ridding their homes of […]
Cliff and Mimbres join Drug Take Back Day on Saturday

Tuesday, October 20, 2020; Grant County, NM: For the first time ever, the rural communities of Cliff and Mimbres will have a chance to participate in Drug Take Back Day on Saturday, Oct. 24, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Grant County Sheriff’s Office (GCSO) and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will host […]
Columbus joins Drug Take Back Day in Luna County

Wednesday, October 21, 2020; Columbus, NM: For the first time, the Columbus will join the effort to safely remove prescriptions and over-the-counter medications from homes before the holidays during the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) Drug Take Back Day on Saturday, Oct. 24 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Columbus Courthouse, 244 Lima […]
Coalition welcomes aboard Michelle Rincon

Thursday, September 17, 2020; Las Cruces, NM: Native Las Crucian, Michelle Rincon has joined the Center for Health Innovation (CHI), New Mexico’s Public Health Institute. Her expertise will support CHI’s prevention efforts at the Unified Prevention Coalition for Doña Ana County (UP!C). “Michelle has a history of working with health councils and community coalition,” said […]
The History of Marijuana

This article is part of the Unified Prevention Coalition for Doña Ana County’s bi-monthly guest column in the Las Cruces Sun-News. Visit their site to learn more. How did an unassuming agricultural plant, used for rope and textiles, end up classified as one of the most dangerous drugs in the nation by the U.S. Drug […]
In Memoriam: Jerry Montoya
It is with great sadness that the Center for Health Innovation mourns the passing of our friend and colleague Jerry Montoya. Jerry was a loved and highly respected Health Promotion Manager for the Northwest Region at the NM Department of Health and served on CHI’s Leadership Team, which advises us on public health issues. Jerry was […]
Teen COVID-19 anxiety and marijuana misuse have similar symptoms
This article is part of the Unified Prevention Coalition for Doña Ana County’s bi-monthly guest column in the Las Cruces Sun-News. Visit their site to learn more. The self-isolation forced by the COVID-19 pandemic affects everyone differently, but for teens lethargic, yet anxiety-ridden, times can manifest in symptoms very similar to those of illegal substance […]
Students donate COVID Care Packs for needy
Tuesday, September 1, 2020; Silver City, NM: Recently High School students enrolled in the Community Health Workers (CHW) certification program delivered COVID Care Packs to first responders at Gila Regional Medical Center’s (GRMC) Emergency Medical Services (EMS). Silver High School Senior, Jamie Flores said creating the COVID Care Packs was a “simple and fun community […]
Coalition hosts virtual Narcan training for Overdose Awareness Day
Thursday, August 27, 2020; Silver City, NM: The Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition (YSAPC) will host a virtual training on the use of Narcan, a powerful opioid overdose reversal drug, on International Overdose Awareness Day on Monday, Aug. 31 from 2 to 4 p.m. via Zoom. The training is free and open to the public. […]
UPDATE NM expands services statewide to health care providers
Friday, August 14, 2020; Silver City, NM: After successfully launching a new program last year in southern New Mexico, the Center for Health Innovation is expanding UPDATE NM (Understanding Provider Demands and Advancing Timely Evidence in New Mexico) state-wide with support from the New Mexico Department of Health. UPDATE NM is an academic detailing […]
CHI welcomes new staff for UPDATE NM
Wednesday, August 12, 2020; Las Cruces, NM: After an extensive statewide search, the Center for Health Innovation (CHI) is pleased to welcome new staff to support its medical education programs. Las Crucian Piper Coalson, GCPH, CPS, will support the newly expanding Understanding Provider Demands and Advancing Timely Evidence in New Mexico (UPDATE NM) during its […]
CHI Welcomes the New Mexico Community Data Collaborative to Its Service Portfolio

Friday, July 30, 2020; Silver City, NM: When mapping public health data, it can be hard to get your bearings especially if you are looking for an elusive location like a home. New Mexico Community Data Collaborative (NMCDC) has discovered a new home for its future evolution at the Center for Health Innovation (CHI). The […]
Prescription opioid safety among older adults

by Piper Coalson, Unified Prevention Coalition This article is part of the Unified Prevention Coalition for Doña Ana County’s bi-monthly guest column in the Las Cruces Sun-News. Visit their site to learn more. Saturday, June 13, 2020; Las Cruces, NM – According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 130 Americans die every day from […]
Racial Equity Statement From CHI

Dear Friends, The Center for Health Innovation, New Mexico’s Public Health Institute, acknowledges systemic racism as a public health crisis. We understand the protestors calling for police reform and demanding an end to the brutality and racial inequities which have plagued our nation since before its founding. Working towards health and racial equity in New […]
Alcohol sales are increasing, and that’s a concern

by Edward M.Rubin, Chair of the Unified Prevention Coalition This article is part of the Unified Prevention Coalition for Doña Ana County’s bi-monthly guest column in the Las Cruces Sun-News. Visit their site to learn more. Saturday, June 6, 2020; Las Cruces, NM: Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, alcohol sales across the United States have […]
New effort maps alcohol and crime in Doña Ana County

Coalition makes maps public of county’s alcohol outlets in relation to crimes Monday, May 25, 2020; Las Cruces, NM: The Unified Prevention Coalition for Doña Ana County (UP!) has released a report, and accompanying maps, for county residents to explore how alcohol sales impact crime throughout the county. The “Alcohol Outlet Density Report for Las […]
Center for Health Innovation appoints new director

Monday, May 18, 2020; Las Cruces, NM: After conducting a national search, the Center for Health Innovation (CHI) has named Joy Gomez as the new Director of Prevention and Community Collaborations. CHI Chief Executive Officer Susan Wilger said of Gomez’s appointment, “We are very excited to have Joy join the CHI team. As a lifelong […]
New executive director takes the helm of CHI

Thursday, May 14, 2020; Silver City, NM: After conducting a nationwide search, the Center for Health Innovation (CHI) is pleased to announce a familiar face will take the helm of the organization. Susan Wilger will step into the role of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for CHI effective in 2020. CHI Board President Dr. Magdaleno Manzanarez […]
COVID-19 outbreak imperils participation in Luna County survey

Thursday, April 9, 2020; Deming, NM: The outbreak of COVID-19 and subsequent quarantine efforts to stem the spread of the virus, have threatened the required community’s participation in the New Mexico Community Survey (NMCS), a vital statistical tool used by the Coalition Against Teen Substances (CATS). “The New Mexico Community Survey provides the Coalition Against […]
COVID-19 outbreak imperils community survey (Grant County)

Wednesday, April 8, 2020; Silver City, NM: The outbreak of COVID-19 and subsequent quarantine efforts to stem the spread of the virus, have threatened the required community’s participation in the New Mexico Community Survey (NMCS), a vital statistical tool used by Grant County’s Youth Substance Abuse Coalition (YSAPC). “The survey supports prevention efforts in the […]
COVID-19 outbreak threatens important New Mexico Community Survey (Doña Ana County)

This article is reprinted from the Las Cruces Sun-News. Visit their site to learn more. The Unified Prevention Coalition for Doña Ana County and New Mexico State Universities Wellness, Alcohol and Violence Rx, your local drug prevention programs, are working to collect the New Mexico Community Survey on behalf of the New Mexico Behavioral Health Services Division […]
COVID-19 statement from CHI

Due to the COVID-19 epidemic the Center for Health Innovation staff are primarily working remotely. We will work to assist you to the best of our ability. You can contact staff directly by email or phone. Staff phone numbers can be found on our website under “Contact Us” or HERE. Staff emails are [first initial […]
Anthony police enforcing underage drinking laws

Wednesday, December 4, 2019; Anthony, NM: A November house party in Anthony, NM, led to a felony arrest for the adult who provided alcohol to underage youth, who had a lot of explaining to do when picked up by their parents during the wee hours of the morning once released from police custody. Anthony Chief […]
Parents can be the solution to Grant County’s underage drinking problem
Tuesday, November 26, 2019; Silver City, NM: Almost 100 deaths were attributed to alcohol in Grant County, according to the New Mexico Substance Abuse Epidemiology Profile from 2013 to 2017. That toll on life not only affects adults, but their families and especially youth, because the cycle of alcohol addiction starts young in Grant County. […]
Chris Hudson honored as 2019 CHI Rural Health Star

Thursday, November 21, 2019; Gallup, NM: On the third Thursday of November every year, the National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health (NOSORH), the member organization for each of the 50 State Offices of Rural Health (SORH), leads National Rural Health Day (NRHD), an annual day of recognition, shining a light on those who […]
Brain Worthy focuses on perils of underage drinking

Tuesday, November 19, 2019; Silver City, NM: What’s one thing residents can do to save the brains of Grant County youth? Stop supplying youth with alcohol! That’s a topic that is brain worthy, according to the Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition (YSAPC) which is featuring a panel discussion on Thursday, November 21, 2019, at 6 […]
Luna County’s Drug Take Back Day a success

The first Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Drug Take Back Day in Luna County was a success with 11 pounds of unused medications disposed of by residents during the last Saturday of October. Pictured (from right to left) Deming Police Department’s Lieutenant Sergio Lara, John Costilla-Gonzalez of the Coalition Against Teen Substances (CATS), a program of […]
Drug Take Back Day nets over 75 pounds of unused medications in Cibola County

Monday, November 11, 2019; Grants, NM: This October’s Drug Enforcement Agency’s (DEA) National Drug Take Back Day netted over 75 pounds of unused medication in Cibola County. There were two sites residents safely disposed of their unused medications: Grants Walmart and the Laguna Police Department. Cibola County has participated in Drug Take Back Day for […]
Bayard’s first Drug Take Back Day a success

Tuesday, November 5, 2019; Bayard, NM: This October’s Drug Enforcement Agency’s (DEA) National Drug Take Back Day was the first-time residents could dispose of medications at two locations in Grant County: Bayard Public Safety Building and Silver City’s WalMart Super Center. County-wide, nearly 200 pounds of unused medications were collected in a single day. The […]
DEA award Doña Ana County coalition for work preventing drug use
This article is reprinted from the Las Cruces Sun-News. Visit their site to learn more, LAS CRUCES – Over the last five years, the Unified Prevention Coalition of Doña Ana County has worked to confront opioid and drug addiction in southern New Mexico, with measurable results. On Monday, they were honored with an award in […]
Drug Take Back Day collects nearly 900 pounds of unused medications
Friday, November 1; Las Cruces, NM: Doña Ana County residents safely disposed of 896 pounds of medications at the Drug Enforcement Agency’s (DEA) National Drug Take Back Day held the last Saturday of October. DEA’s National Drug Take Back Day is a twice annual opportunity for the anonymous disposal of unwanted, unused or expired medications, […]
Drug Take Back Day opportunity to clean out medicine cabinets (Cibola County)
Wednesday, October 23, 2019; Grants, NM: Over 40 percent of people admit to snooping in medicine cabinets when visiting a house, according to a survey by party planning website The Salonniere. What would they find in yours? If the answer is medications, especially left-over pills, now is the time to clean out your medicine cabinet […]
Saturday is Drug Take Back Day in Luna County
Wednesday, October 23, 2019; Deming, NM: Over 40 percent of people admit to snooping in medicine cabinets when visiting a house, according to a survey by party planning website The Salonniere. What would they find in yours? If the answer is medications, especially left-over pills, now is the time to clean out your medicine cabinet […]
Clean out your medicine cabinet for Drug Take Back Day (Grant County)
Wednesday, October 23, 2019; Silver City, NM: Over 40 percent of people admit to snooping in medicine cabinets when visiting a house, according to a survey by party planning website The Salonniere. What would they find in yours? If the answer is medications, especially left over pills, now is the time to clean out your […]
Saturday is National Drug Take Back Day (Doña Ana County)
Tuesday, October 22, 2019; Las Cruces, NM: On Saturday, (October 26, 2019) from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. local police departments and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will give the public its 18th opportunity in nine years to prevent pill abuse and theft by ridding their homes of potentially dangerous expired, unused and unwanted […]
New staff shifts project into high gear
Monday, September 16, 2019; Las Cruces, NM: New staff member Alexis Brandt is continuing to shift the conversation around alcohol with the Unified Prevention Coalition of Doña Ana County (UP!) as part of the Shift Positive (Shift+) grant awarded by Paseo del Norte Health Foundation. Brandt will guide the Doña Ana County residents to discover […]